Does the Lumbee tribe deserve to be Federally Recognized???

Welcome to my Blog page that is dedicated to educating others about the Lumbee tribe and its continuing struggle for Federal recognition.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Class Links....

Clearly, my blog discusses the ongoing struggle of the Lumbee tribe to receive federal recognition. While this is a personal and important issue to me, there are other important issues that seem to be an ongoing debate. The following is a list of blogs from my classmates that i feel are also important:

Illegal Immigration

Reading her blogs on illegal immigration has really allowed me to see both sides of this highly debated issue. She does a great job of breaking down the different elements of illegal immigration. Blogs such as her before and after thoughts, from the point of view of an illegal immigrant, and America's future is there a "right" answer, have aided in me making my decision to finally be able to choose my stance on illegal immigrants.


Coming from a traditional household, abortion is just simply wrong. Since coming to college I have realized that maybe some of my traditional viewpoints may need to be revised, reading this particular blog on abortion has made me realize that abortion is not always bad. I feel that people who chose to have an abortion should have a good reason such as rape being behind the pregnancy; not something people just do freely. This is truly a blog that I continued to visit because it made me realize how on felt on the different issues dealing with abortion.

Save Darfur

While I feel that America is involved in too many outside issues, from reading this particular blog it has allowed me to see that maybe America or another source should step in and do something to help Darfur. I always have felt that Americas should be helped before other countries with our tax dollars maybe if America was not a "busy body," like fighting unnecessary wars, we could help third world countries in need.

Reading the various blogs of my classmates has allowed me to finally make a stance on debatable topics such as abortion, the death penalty, and stem-cell research. I have truly enjoyed reading all of the various and have taken something from each one.

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